After getting a good night's sleep my Mom is feeling good this morning. We were sitting in her room watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade. Someone was singing I Will Survive and she says "I love this song" and starts dancing her feet around in the hospital bed. Taryn pampered her this morning with some face lotion and a massage :) Dr. Goldman came in to check on her at 1:30am this morning and said she looked terrific. They took her in for a CT scan at 3am to check for any extra swelling or bleeds from the surgery and things look good.
Her head is bothering her a little more today than yesterday but the pain is tolerable she says. She was able to have some clear fluids this morning for breakfast (juice, tea) and can't wait for some chicken broth and jello for lunch, she's "starving" she says! It sounds like the plan is to move her out of ICU later this afternoon and up to the main floor.
With everything going on with my Mom's surgery I woke up this morning and almost completely forgot it was Thanksgiving. We were so lucky to be able to celebrate early with our family last Sunday. But we want to wish everyone a very wonderful Thanskgiving, please eat lots of turkey and pumpkin pie for us. Love you all!!
Tar Tar, It looks like you are a good nurse too!!! Tell mama she looks great! Wishing you guys a blessed "Thanksgiving". We are thankful that the surgery was successful and that Tricia Kay can dance with her feet! Love you lots, Auntie Nancy P.S. tell Tricia that I will be there tomorrow after work.