Ordering "room service" in the hospital (she doesn't know I took this picture but it was too impressive NOT to!)
Sporting our new scarves! She talked her surgeon into not shaving her entire head for surgery and once her incision heals up I bet she will be rocking a new hair do that my sister will do for her.
She traded her hospital gown for her Maui clothes as soon as she got the news she was going home soon! My parents were supposed to be leaving for a vacation to Maui a week after they found out my mom's brain tumor was back. So we have postponed their trip for now and plan to take the entire family to Maui next spring to celebrate her awesome recovery!
She is so happy to be settled in at home again and is sleeping and healing up excellently. She gets to slowly start tapering off her post surgery medications and is feeling more and more like herself everyday. My sister Taryn and I are so thankful to be living just a few short miles from my parents, where we can come by all the time to visit and help out wherever we can. My Aunt Barb stayed down in Seattle with us for the surgery, made food for us this week and has been so amazing! All of our family and friends have once again amazed us with their outpouring of support and help. Every meal, card, text message and facebook comment reminds us daily of how lucky we are to have such a wonderful support system.
We really could not have asked for a better outcome and thank God for guiding her surgeon and giving my mom strength through the surgery and recovery. She seems to have no side effects so far from the chemotherapy working in her brain and we meet with the doctor in 10 days for her postop visit and to figure out where to go from here. Please keep my mom and our family in your prayers, we love you all!