Once again it has been too long since I updated our friends and family on my mom's progress. Life has been very hectic but exciting, planning last minute details for my sister's wedding next month. A wedding like this one is such a great way to really appreciate the two very best things in life: Love & Family. We kicked off the wedding extravaganza with a wig themed bridal shower for Taryn. Everyone showed up in some pretty great looks and my mom got to show off her new wig with pride :) Our whole family couldn't be happier for Mac and Taryn and my mom is very focused on feeling fantastic on their big day.
Today my mom got a very clean bill of health from her oncologist after her daily blood work came back looking good. He told her she is the poster patient for a chemo patient and he only wishes that HALF of his patients could be looking and feeling as well as she is. She says her mind feels a lot clearer than it has since her surgeries and beginning cancer treatment. We are REALLY celebrating this and hoping she will continue on this trend.
We feel so blessed to see my mom's energy and appetite also return this week because both of these things were a struggle for her the couple months. After a week of chemotherapy followed by an IV infusion of Avastin she was totally sapped of all her energy. The best way she can describe her nausea is that she said she felt like she was pregnant again, which of course made us all laugh and lightened the situation a little. Certain smells and tastes in foods were overwhelming to her and made her not want to eat. When I started seeing her weight drop I encouraged her to talk to her oncology nurse about some alternative methods for treating her nausea. Ginger immediately came up in conversation and the very next day my mom was on a ginger supplement and eating much better. She has also had a lot of success with acupuncture therapy through the Cancer Care Center. She said it really increased her energy levels and helped ease her tummy troubles.
Right now my mom is exactly halfway through her 6 rounds of chemotherapy and Avastin treatment. So we are assuming that she has about 3 more months of treatment and hopefully her body can get a much needed break. She is really excited about getting the okay to start driving again at the beginning of May. She says my dad is starting to complain about all those trips into Bellingham to Trader Joes to buy all her organic fruits and veggies! I think it will be great for her to have some of her independence back, even if she only drives herself somewhere once a week. Well thats all for now, love you all and thank you for all the continued prayers and supportive gestures...God Bless