Sunday, December 12, 2010
A Feeling of Extraordinary Healing
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Happy Veteran's Day
Happy Veterans Day to all of America's veterans who have placed our country's security before their own lives, creating a debt that we can never fully repay. Our veterans represent the best of our country and sometimes I don't feel like that on a daily basis they get the respect or praise they deserve. America would not be the country that it is today without those who have served and continue to serve proud, freely, and valantly.
Veteran's Day Tribute
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Barb Won't Be Sidelined...
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Shoe Drive Off & Running
I'm very excited to announce that OPERATION SHOEBOX is officially up and running as of this week! Thanks to my first couple collectors and a couple of very generous shipping donations we were able to ship off 50 pairs of kids shoes this week. Skye and his soldiers should be receiving the packages in the next couple weeks and plan on taking some pictures and possibly video clips of their first handout on the streets.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
A Real Life Wonder Woman!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
OPERATION SHOEBOX: Supporting Our Troops

When my fiance Skye and his soldiers from the U.S. Army arrived in Afghanistan this June, they were immediately swarmed with barefooted children from the area. Children that walk long distances to school and to look for work, to try and create better lives for themselves and their families in some very hard conditions. These children remind the soldiers of their very own kids back home and it touched them, knowing these local children are lacking basic items like a pair of shoes.
Skye asked me to get our families and friends back home involved in a special project. We are collecting gently used kids shoes in all sizes to send to our soldiers overseas to give out to the children they encounter in the streets. Some of these kids have never owned a pair of shoes and are in desperate need of footwear to protect their feet from the harsh terrain and extreme temperatures.
“If these children don’t remember anything else about us being here, they might remember that an American soldier gave them their first pair of shoes or socks,” Skye said. “Giving the children items they need helps them get over the fear of people (Soldiers) in uniform . It shows them that people in uniform are not bad and are actually there to help."
Show our soldiers how much we appreciate their service, by donating shoes to hand out to children to allow them to walk to school and to better their opportunities for the future.
Please email me at for more information about getting involved or where to drop off shoe donations. Feel free to get your neighborhood or your kids' classrooms involved, I have so many wonderful friends that work in the schools or the medical profession who are offering to help me spread the word! Back to school is a perfect time of year to get this going because so many kids are trading their summer play shoes for their new school shoes. The Goodwill and Value Village are also great places to pick up shoes for around $4 a pair. I am looking for any ideas for fundraising to raise money to help with shipping costs as well.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Family Vacation

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Walking For A Cure
Monday, July 12, 2010
Heart's in Afghanistan

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Update On Mom

Sunday, June 27, 2010
A Very Special Family Wedding

"My greatest wish for the two of you is that through the years, your love for each other will deepen and grow. Take each day and cherish your time together. Love one another and stand together. Take time to talk to one another. Put your love and your family first; your job and your hobbies second.
Years from now, may you look back on this day, your wedding day, as the day you loved each other the least."
Please go to to view some of their professional photos which turned out AMAZING!
Dear Friends

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
So Blessed
Once again it has been too long since I updated our friends and family on my mom's progress. Life has been very hectic but exciting, planning last minute details for my sister's wedding next month. A wedding like this one is such a great way to really appreciate the two very best things in life: Love & Family. We kicked off the wedding extravaganza with a wig themed bridal shower for Taryn. Everyone showed up in some pretty great looks and my mom got to show off her new wig with pride :) Our whole family couldn't be happier for Mac and Taryn and my mom is very focused on feeling fantastic on their big day.
Today my mom got a very clean bill of health from her oncologist after her daily blood work came back looking good. He told her she is the poster patient for a chemo patient and he only wishes that HALF of his patients could be looking and feeling as well as she is. She says her mind feels a lot clearer than it has since her surgeries and beginning cancer treatment. We are REALLY celebrating this and hoping she will continue on this trend.
We feel so blessed to see my mom's energy and appetite also return this week because both of these things were a struggle for her the couple months. After a week of chemotherapy followed by an IV infusion of Avastin she was totally sapped of all her energy. The best way she can describe her nausea is that she said she felt like she was pregnant again, which of course made us all laugh and lightened the situation a little. Certain smells and tastes in foods were overwhelming to her and made her not want to eat. When I started seeing her weight drop I encouraged her to talk to her oncology nurse about some alternative methods for treating her nausea. Ginger immediately came up in conversation and the very next day my mom was on a ginger supplement and eating much better. She has also had a lot of success with acupuncture therapy through the Cancer Care Center. She said it really increased her energy levels and helped ease her tummy troubles.
Right now my mom is exactly halfway through her 6 rounds of chemotherapy and Avastin treatment. So we are assuming that she has about 3 more months of treatment and hopefully her body can get a much needed break. She is really excited about getting the okay to start driving again at the beginning of May. She says my dad is starting to complain about all those trips into Bellingham to Trader Joes to buy all her organic fruits and veggies! I think it will be great for her to have some of her independence back, even if she only drives herself somewhere once a week. Well thats all for now, love you all and thank you for all the continued prayers and supportive gestures...God Bless
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Relay For Life-Team Bubbles!

This year, on behalf of my mom, our family is helping to save lives from cancer by taking part in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a life-changing event that gives people in communities across the globe a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease. At Relay, teams of people camp out at a local high school, park, or fairground and take turns walking or running around a track or path. Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the event. Because cancer never sleeps, Relays are overnight events up to 24 hours in length.
In addition to helping people celebrate, remember, and fight back, Relay For Life also helps raise much-needed funds and awareness to help the American Cancer Society save lives from cancer.
Please support me and our team by visiting my personal fundraising web page to make a donation. Every donation really does make a difference. I know that times are tighter than normal for many of us, but any amount you can give truly can help save lives.
Thanks to your support, the American Cancer Society can:
* Help people stay well by helping them take steps to prevent cancer or detect it early, when it’s most treatable
* Help people get well by being in their corner around the clock to guide them through every step of their cancer experience
* Find cures by funding groundbreaking research that helps us understand cancer’s causes, determine how best to prevent it, and discover new ways to cure it
* Fight back by working with lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and rally communities worldwide to join the fight
Each of us has our own reasons for caring about the fight against cancer … whatever your reasons, I hope you’ll choose to make a difference by making a donation online to support my efforts. I’m so grateful to have people like you in my life who want to see an end to cancer in our lifetime. We are so excited to participate in this event, walking together to celebrate my mom's journey and raise money to save lives.
To learn more about Relay For Life, check out our team's progress or make a donation please visit my personal fundraising page at
Thank you and I will keep you updated on my progress. Go team BUBBLES!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Great MRI news!!
We are so grateful for this much needed good news. And to know that all the doctors and all the treatments that have sapped my mom of her energy and taken her hair are REALLY WORKING! Yes everyday we deal with the worry and the doubts about what tomorrow could bring for my mom and our family. But we are so lucky to be surrounded with friends and family that help us find guidance when we need it. A very dear friend of mine sent my mom and I a devotional book called "Jesus Calling." She herself has found peace in her crazy life after sitting down each night and reading this book, so I am now doing the same. Granted there are some nights I fall asleep without reading, but have I found comfort in the scriptures I have read and reflected on. It's also pretty cool knowing that my mom and I are reading the exact same thing every night and can focus our prayers together. Like many people, I have a hard time accepting the fact that there are things in life that I cannot control, like my Mom's cancer or my boyfriends deployment to Afghanistan in July. These things could overwhelm me with worry and fear if I let them. But my faith reminds me that I am not in control, someone else is. Monday night's reading spoke to me for obvious reasons and I thought I would share it:
When something in your life or thoughts makes you anxious, come to Me and talk about it. Though the lessons of trust that I send to you come wrapped in difficulties, the benefits far outweigh the cost.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Well since I am WAY overdue in my blogging I figured it was definitely time to catch everybody up on my Mom's progress. Sorry I am so way behind, but when you don't hear anything from us for a while, just know that "no news is good news" and that life is just keeping us busy.
Since January my mom has been extremely busy with radiation treatment 5 days a week, daily chemotherapy and has started her new clinical trial of Avastin that will continue for the next 2 years. We gladly celebrated her last day of radiation on February 4th, woo hoo!! As she would tell you, her treatment got very intense towards the end. Her radiation tech buddy Aaron described it as "peeling an onion," meaning that it gradually becomes more focused with each treatment, as it hones in to target the cancer cells. The Bellingham Cancer Care Center truly enjoyed seeing my mom everyday for the past month and even gave her the nickname "Bubbles." They say her energy and zest for life is contagious and just bubbles out of her :)
Right now she is enjoying a much needed break from chemotherapy as well, she will be starting up again in the next couple weeks to start a 5 day course that will occur every 28 days. Her blood counts and overall health continue to look awesome and her oncologists are so impressed with how her body held up during such an intense first round of treatments. We are so very blessed that besides being exhausted and have some hair loss, she hasn't experienced any harsh side effects of cancer treatment. She has acquired a very beautiful collection of fun hats and scarves and wears them proudly wherever she goes.
She's been feeling up to getting out of the house a little more and going for walks almost everyday, rain or shine! We are very excited about her new nutritionist, who was recommended by her oncologist at the Cancer Care Center. My parents have met with her twice already and like the recommendations she has made. So far she has my mom eating a very "clean and green" diet with lots of lean proteins, organic fruits and veggies and a few new supplements (including some kind of interesting dried mushrooms)...But I really like the fact that she encourages my mom to indulge whenever she feels like it, for example the girl scout cookies I'm bringing home to her this weekend!
Overall things are looking very good for our family. We continue to be hopeful for the future and are grateful everyday for my Mom's strength and the wonderful advances in modern medicine. My mom has found such a great support system made up of all the staff at Bellingham Cancer Care Center. Also, I continue to be AMAZED and eternally grateful for how our close family and friends have stepped in and come through for us in whatever way we have needed help thus far. Our load has REALLY been lightened by all the delicious meals that have been made, offers to drive my mom to doctors appointments or help her run errands and especially the professional house cleaning donated by my mom's dear friend Brenda. You have no idea how much we appreciate IT ALL! We love you, God Bless.